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Analytics Services

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Data Analytics Partner

Our team combines deep knowledge of statistics, programming, data visualization, and machine learning to transform your information into actionable insights. We empower businesses of all sizes to extract hidden value from their data, refine data strategies, and gain a clear understanding of complex information, ultimately driving better business decisions.

Our Comprehensive Data Analytics Services Includes


Data Analysis Powerhouse

We leverage advanced tools and techniques, like Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), to cleanse, visualize, and analyze your data. Our experts wield statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to extract hidden gems and create customized reports tailored to your needs.

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Data Strategy Tailored To You

We assess your data landscape, identify opportunities for data-driven insights, and craft a roadmap for success. We help you implement and refine your strategy to ensure you gain maximum value from your data.


Expert Data Consulting

Need guidance beyond analysis? Our consultants are here to help. We offer a range of services, from developing data strategies and establishing data governance to conducting in-depth analysis, reporting, and building predictive models.


Predictive Power For The Future

Let's unveil future trends together. We use advanced statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and relationships in your data. This allows us to build highly accurate predictive models that forecast future trends and out comes, empowering you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Our Expert Data Analyst Team


Machine Learning Mastery

We wield a diverse arsenal of tools like Keras, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn to build high-performing ML models for tasks like predictive maintenance and anomaly detection. From reinforcement learning to transfer learning, we tackle complex challenges with the right techniques.


Data Preprocessing Wizards

We ensure the data foundation is clean, accurate, and ready for action. Our analysts leverage advanced tools like SQL, Python, and R to perform data cleaning, transformation, and feature extraction, preparing your data for optimal model training.


Model Fine-Tuning Virtuosos

We go beyond building models; we refine them to perfection. Our analysts use techniques like hyperparameter tuning, cross-validation, and grid search to optimize model architecture and accuracy. We meticulously analyze performance metrics to identify and address areas for improvement.


Deep Learning Expertise

We're fluent in the language of deep learning. Leveraging frameworks like TensorFlow and Caffe, we craft business-specific AI models with optimized performance. Whether it's CNNs for image recognition or RNNs for sequential data, we have the expertise to excel.


Supervised & Unsupervised Learning Aficionados

We handle both labeled and unlabeled data with expertise in algorithms like decision trees, SVMs, k-means, and t-SNE. This allows us to train and fine-tune AI models effectively.


Feature Engineering Experts

Our data analysts are your feature engineering gurus. They utilize techniques like PCA, feature scaling, and one-hot encoding to extract meaningful features from your data. They're also adept at crafting domain-specific features, like image feature extraction for computer vision.

Tech Stack Our Data Scientists Use



Data Pre Processing Tools


Visualisation Tool


Integration Tool Kit


Cloud Providers

Google Cloud


Node JS
Spring Boot

AI Frameworks



Supervised Learning

Unsupervised learning


Metric Learning

Ensemble learning

Online learning

Neural Networks



Representation Learning

Manifold Learning

Variational Auto Encoders

Bayesian Networks

Auto Regressive Networks

Schedule A Call With Us

Once you let us know your requirement, our technical expert will schedule a call and discuss your idea in detail post signing of an NDA. All information will be kept confidential.

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Reach Us

SeedApps Technology Services,

13/799/19, 1st Floor, Krishna Tower, Indira Nagar, Nehru Nagar West, Kalappati Main Road, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu - 641014

+91 96778 24495

©2024 by seedApps.

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